Customer Testimonials
Yummy Tummy
“I had struggled with heartburn for years and was reluctant to stay on proton inhibitors for such long periods of time. Through diet, lifestyle and Yummy Tummy, I was able to minimize the heartburn and reverse some of the negative changes to my esophagus and digestion over a couple of months. It’s great to feel so much better!”
– Connie, Washington D.C.
Kid's Seasonal Support
“My young son was stuck with ear infection after cold after fever for several years when he was little and would miss lots of school days and often get prescribed antibiotics by his pediatrician. After a few weeks of Kid’s Seasonal Support and probiotic support, he would only get mild colds (if any) that would resolve at home in a few days on their own and we saw a substantial decrease in days of school missed. We’re so grateful to have improved his (and our!) quality of life so much!”
– Connie, Washington D.C.
Kid's Seasonal Support
“My young son was stuck with ear infection after cold after fever for several years when he was little and would miss lots of school days and often get prescribed antibiotics by his pediatrician. After a few weeks of Kid’s Seasonal Support and probiotic support, he would only get mild colds (if any) that would resolve at home in a few days on their own and we saw a substantial decrease in days of school missed. We’re so grateful to have improved his (and our!) quality of life so much!”